Reading for faith

Education is always a hot topic. Take the debate over whether children in 2021 need to learn cursive writing. For many people, this is an essential part of learning and expressing yourself. But in the 21st century, there are other ways to write things down. Kids today learn to type with a keyboard on a …

Pig Kidneys & Wisdom

The University of Basel was founded in 1460 with approval from the Pope. It originally offered studies in four areas – arts, medicine, law, and theology. The emergence of universities, like most education in the Western world, came from the church. There was a growing thirst for knowledge. Knowledge of God and his creation. Areas …

When God is Silent

There are troubling days when we search for answers and God seems to be silent. We pray and we call on him, but the heavens are still. Sometimes we get the impression from preachers and other Christians that there is a simple formula for getting answers to prayer. We have come to believe that we …

The Attitude of the Mind

Every morning two men, both psychiatrists, rode the same elevator in their office building at the same time. One of them would get off on the 5th floor and the other on the 9th. Everyone morning as the first psychiatrist was about to get off the elevator, he would turn and spit at the second …

What Does It Cost?

Sometimes, we make it sound too easy to become a follower of Christ. In one sense, it is easy. We just come to him as we are because Christ will never turn anyone away who comes to him in repentance and humility.

Tomorrow’s Worries

We can’t handle all the information that comes our way each and every day. What we can and should do, is deal with what we have today. But we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves, there is no peace found in that.

Needing Wisdom

I read a story last week about a man who tried to save money by fixing his refrigerator himself. After Googling the problem, reading a bit online

Good Things Take Time

Good quality takes time. Our human nature seems to want to rush matters. Instead of waiting for 10 or 15 minutes for a pizza, we want it in three. The cost means it just won’t be as good.