Crossroads stands on its own financial feet by relying on the commitment and generosity of its members and attenders. We are not part of a larger supporting organisation, nor is the church financed by church taxes.  Her members and regulars take care of the bills and make sure the church, the staff and all the volunteers can make the ministry of the church happen.

How can you donate to the church? There are a couple of ways you can give; choose the one that best suits you:

  1. Bank transfer
    a) A transfer from a Swiss franc account: When transferring from a Swiss franc bank account, the IBAN number is sufficient: CH71 0077 0016 0413 0764 3 of Crossroads International Church of Basel, Reinacherstrasse 129, 4053 Basel, Switzerland.
    b) A transfer from a euro account: When transferring from a euro bank account, the IBAN number is sufficient: BE88 9672 8290 8041 of Crossroads International Churhc of Basel, Reinacherstrasse 129, 4053 Basel, Switzerland. This account is with Wise, BIC/Swift code: TRWIBEB1XXX.
    Why a different account depending on whether you give in Swiss francs or euros? Because if you give euros to a Swiss franc account, the receiving bank will exchange the money against an unfavourable exchange rate and charge additional exchange costs.
    Most banks will also allow you to set up a recurring transfer, like every month, quarter or year, so that you don’t have to remember to make the transfer every time.
  2. Online
    You can donate online in our ‘Webshop’ and click on the ‘Giving’ icon picture. In the next screen you can determine how much you want to give by adding the right amounts and in the payment screen, fill in your information and your credit card particulars.
  3. Twint
    This is a Swiss payment method with an app on your phone. Open the app, scan the QR code, type in the amount you want to give, confirm it and done. We don’t get to see who donated through Twint, so this is a very private form of giving.
  4. Cash
    You can put cash in the offering basket during the Sunday services. Or alternatively (but less safe), you can deposit your envelope with cash in the mailbox of the office.
  5. Payment terminal
    Before and after the Sunday services, you can give through debit cards, credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay with our Sumup payment terminal. Alternatively, scan the Twint QR code that is displayed at the church and give with Twint.
  6. Donations
    Mostly not deductible for tax purposes in Switzerland. However, if you are a taxpayer in the USA, Germany, the UK, or the Netherlands, there is a way to give to the church so that your donation is deductible from your income in those countries. If you are interested, please contact the church office and we’ll send you the appropriate information
Thank you for considering making the ministry of Crossroads International Church of Basel possible with your financial contributions!

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