What to expect?
Expect a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Come as you are; you don’t have to dress up formally to come to church. Do come expecting that we talk about the very issues of life, love, career, family and all the other things life is made up from. That is because we believe that faith and all the ordinary things in life have everything to do with each other.
When you arrive in the church building, someone from the Welcome Team will welcome you, and if necessary, answer your questions, point you the way and hand you any information you would like.
Frequently Asked Questions
Because Crossroads as an international church is a transient place with many people coming in and going out, we want to make sure that we welcome you. Either we ask for you to introduce yourself with one or two sentences or we ask you to fill in a Welcome Card. Nothing obligatory, it is just to make sure that you are being heard and seen. But if you’d rather not want this, just lay low and nobody will bother you.
There might be a collection during the service. Don’t feel obliged to give if you don’t feel like it. We are not after your money. We hope you can engage with what is going on in the service in the first and foremost place. There will be many more that don’t give in the money collection baskets, as many give through the bank. You won’t stand out if you let the basket pass by.
During the service we sing songs before and after the message. Singing may come in a variety of styles, but mostly it is quite contemporary. The words to each song will be projected on a screen, but you do not have to sing if you don’t want to.
Almost always there is preaching in which a topic is highlighted from a Biblical angle or a Bible passage is explained with its relevance to our every day life. The message preached is approximately 30 minutes.
We hope that the preaching will provide you with a thought-provoking experience, and that it will make a difference in your life.
At the end of the service, there is an opportunity to pray with someone if you want in the ‘prayer corner’ on the left front side of the auditorium. Maybe about something that came up in the church service, maybe there’s a need that you want to lift up in prayer with someone else, perhaps something you want to be thankful for with someone else. Our prayer partners are available for you after each service. But again… no pressure whatsoever!
After the service, you are invited to a cup of coffee or tea with some little snacks in our Amici Coffee Bar. It is our intention that it will do what it is called: making many amici over coffee and tea.
There are separate programmes for kids from 0 to 15 (crèche, Sunday school classes and groups for teenagers), where they can engage with faith and the Bible in their own way.
Children and youth can make their way to their groups when it is announced during the church service, somewhere 10 or 15 minutes into our time together.
During the 09:30am Sunday morning service there are the following children and youth gatherings:
- Creche (child care) ages 0-3
- Pre-School and Kindergarten, ages 3-6
- Green and Blue Groups, ages 7-10, grades 2-5
- Fuel, younger youth, ages 11-14/15
During the 11:15am Sunday morning service there are the following children and youth groups:
- Creche (child care) ages 0-3
- Pre-School, ages 3+4
- Kindergarten, ages 5+6
- Green Group, ages 7+8, grades 2+3
- Blue Group, ages 9+10, grades 4+5
- Younger teens, ages 11-14
- Older teens, ages 15-18/19
The Sunday school classes use a curriculum from Scripture Union in the UK.
The youth groups use a curriculum called ‘Grow’ from the US.
The rotating box content for vision, mission and values above comes from ROYAL ELEMENTOR ADDONS and contains the information below.
Vision & Mission
Mission: Crossroads exists to make disciples among the English speaking community of the greater Basel area.
Vision: Our vision is to go deeper in our relationship with God and one another, while we find ways to share the good news to a wider part of our community in Basel.
Core Values
Experiencing an authentic relationship with God
Being a supportive and loving church community
Being an engaged and transforming presence in the community outside the church
The expansion of the Kingdom of God
The authority of God’s word as revealed in the Bible
What We Believe
In one God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who is the Creator and Final Judge of all things.
That Jesus Christ is the eternal and unique Son of God, fully human and divine, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, resurrected bodily from the dead and ascended to God the Father. He is the only way to salvation for all humanity.
That we are called to confession, repentance and forgiveness in order to live a life of Christ-likeness in holiness and purity (as defined by the New Testament’s injunctions regarding morals and ethics), empowered by the Holy Spirit. By baptism we are incorporated into the church, the body of Christ, and nurtured through regular participation in the Lord’s Supper.
The Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God and our final authority for faith and practice.
That we are called to be the people of God in the world to declare in word and deed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.
That following the return of Christ to earth and the final judgment, God will create a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness alone dwells and in which all redeemed humanity will live with God forever.
Finally, as God’s people we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
SafeGuarding Policy
Click here to see our Safeguarding Policy
Date Protection Policies
Click here to see our Date Protection Policies
What we believe
- In one God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who is the Creator and Final Judge of all things.
- That Jesus Christ is the eternal and unique Son of God, fully human and divine, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, resurrected bodily from the dead and ascended to God the Father. He is the only way to salvation for all humanity.
- That we are called to confession, repentance and forgiveness in order to live a life of Christ-likeness in holiness and purity (as defined by the New Testament’s injunctions regarding morals and ethics), empowered by the Holy Spirit. By baptism we are incorporated into the church, the body of Christ, and nurtured through regular participation in the Lord’s Supper.
- The Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God and our final authority for faith and practice.
- That we are called to be the people of God in the world to declare in word and deed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.
- That following the return of Christ to earth and the final judgment, God will create a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness alone dwells and in which all redeemed humanity will live with God forever.
- Finally, as God’s people we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.