How do you smell?

I live in the city now but I was raised in the country. I love the countryside however I never really liked some of the smells associated with country living. I have to hold my breath when entering a barn, it’s just unpleasant. I remember the days when the wind shifted direction and the smell …

The Best Gift

The kids wanted to know what Dad wanted for Christmas. Dad suggested that they get him a gift that the whole family could get something out of. So they did. They bought Dad a new wallet. It’s Christmas Eve and around the world there will be the giving of gifts. Some people will be running …

A Great Light

It was a hot summer night and the kids couldn’t sleep. Not only was it hot and humid but the mosquitoes were out in full force. Mom, Sandy McIntosh, finally had enough of the kids complaining about the heat and the mosquitoes. She couldn’t do much about the temperature but she could provide relief from …