Senior Pastor Change

Following the announcement in February 2024, after fourteen years at Crossroads, Pastor David and his wife Rhonda will return to Canada. You can read Pastor David’s letter to the congregation here. While we are sad to see them leave, we are grateful for their years of fruitful ministry and sent them off with our blessing at their final Sunday with us on 16 June. 

Shortly after the announcement, a search for a new Senior Pastor began and is now well underway. A candidate has been selected and has been invited to visit Basel. When that date is confirmed, it will be posted here. You can read more about our search process below. 

Photo of Pastor Nico

Interim Senior Pastor

As announced on 17 March 2024, the board of elders has chosen Nico Hoogenraad to be Crossroads’ Interim Senior Pastor until the new Senior Pastor is installed. Pastor Nico was Associate Pastor for five years under David Fortune and is superbly placed to continue Crossroads’ ministry to the English speakers of the Basel region.

Congregational Updates

The Board of Elders will keep the congregation up to date with what is happening with announcements in Sunday services (usually every two weeks) and, when relevant, in our weekly email. You can also see which stages of the Change Process have been completed and which are ongoing in the diagram below.

Update as announced during the Sunday 14 July 2024 service

The Pastor Search Committee has made its recommendation to the board of Elders for the candidate for senior pastor and, after conversation with the candidate themselves, the board of Elders has agreed with the recommendation.

Now, the candidate and his family will be invited to Basel for a long weekend.  This will give them time to meet the people of Crossroads, and for us all to get to know them. The candidate will also preach that Sunday in both services. This is expected to occur towards the end of August or in early September.

Following that visit, we will arrange an Extraordinary Assembly of Crossroads’ members in order to vote on the Elders’ recommendation to issue the call to the candidate. Please continue with us in prayer for this next phase!

As usual, if you have any questions you can contact the Elders directly, or speak to Pastor Nico. It is normal to experience a range of emotions during leadership change so if you have questions or would like reassurance, please reach out

Change Process

Crossroads has a comprehensive policy to facilitate leadership change which is illustrated here.


The Search Committee was announced on 17 March 2024 and is comprised of six Crossroads members including two elders. The Search Committee will keep the Board of Elders informed during the evaluation of candidates for the role of Senior Pastor. Each step of the process and every decision during the process is taken prayerfully.

Applying for the role of Senior Pastor

Crossroads International Church of Basel is looking for a new Senior Pastor. Crossroads is an English-speaking, multinational and multi-denominational congregation. It’s a vibrant group of people with a large number of young families, children and youth.  

You can read the Opportunity Profile here for complete details.

To apply for this position, email a CV, cover letter and links to a recent sermon (audio or video) to

Pastor David Preaching