Light in the darkness

A few years ago I had the opportunity to go spelunking in the Rocky Mountains. Spelunking is also known as caving, basically crawling and climbing through damp and dark caves. It was a good experience although at time the space was very small and you had to remind yourself not to panic. We were outfitted with equipment …

Asleep on a plane

As someone familiar with air travel, I have grown used to seeing the inside of an airplane. However, there’s more to the plane than just the passenger cabin. I don’t usually think about the cargo hold although I’m always grateful when my luggage arrives on the same flight that I do. I’ve been thinking more …

Raising Teenagers

Mark Twain once offered this advice on raising teenagers, “When a child turns 12 he should be kept in a barrel and fed through a hole, until he reaches 16… at which time you should plug the hole.”   As a parent of three teenagers and one who has just passed through those teen years, I …

Don't fall asleep

What’s the strangest thing that has ever happened to you at church? I bet you’d have a hard time beating Eutychus’ story. The Apostle Paul was in Troas for a week of special meetings. Being a preacher Paul kept on talking until it was close to midnight. The room was lit with oil lamps which …