Jesus Asks Some Good Questions

Asking good questions can lead to great personal insights and learning. Asking good questions can challenge our assumptions and affect our actions. Asking good questions can be hard work. My children often ask me for help with their homework. They hope that I might just give them the answers so they can complete the assignment. …

Think About Such Things

A couple was travelling across the country and got hungry. They decided to stop at a truck stop and have supper. They weren’t sure about eating at that type of roadside diner but they were hungry enough to give it a go. As they approached the door, a truck driver walked out of the restaurant. …

A Respectable Sin

In his book entitled “Respectable Sins”, Jerry Bridges talks about one of the most widespread and subtle sins among Christians: ungodliness. How is it possible that good Christian people can be called ungodly? Ungodliness and unrighteousness are not the same thing. Unrighteousness is sinful action in thought, word or deed, whereas ungodliness is an attitude …

He Loved Us First

It’s easy to get discouraged in our Christian walk. When we focus on our shortcomings and sins, we can find ourselves moving further away from God rather than closer to him. We need to focus more on the God who loves us. I’ve discovered that many Christians feel that God’s love and acceptance of them …

Computers and Anger

Over the years I’ve had my share of frustration with computers. My laptop will crash at the worst possible moment. The home computer won’t load the software I need. There are times when I am trying to enter simple data and the program isn’t working. Yes, there have been many frustrating moments. Most people I …

What is more important than happiness?

So now I’m living in the ‘happiest’ country in the world. Switzerland usually does well in any international ranking based on wealth, social development, transparency and the environment. However, I was surprised that it ranked first place for happiness in the 2015 World Happiness Report. It’s probably because we eat more chocolate than any other …