Fake versus Real

As con games go, this is one for the books. Criminals set up a fake cricket league to scam gamblers in Russia. The hoax set up a false version of India’s Premier League and filmed bogus games in a farmer’s field in Gujarat.  Local people were paid five dollars a game to masquerade as players …

God sees your Value!

Years ago, there was a kind village dentist who passed away. As the family was sorting through his belongings, they discovered several bags of old teeth, filled or capped with gold. The man had often paid his patients for their old teeth and then put them away in a box. When someone has a tooth pulled, …

Wir bauen für Sie!

For the last three years, there has been a constant stream of construction in front of the building where our church meets. I thought the work was all to be finished in June of 2022, but apparently that only related to the tram lines. The tram lines are running again. There’s now a great new …

Small but effective

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito.” I love summertime in Canada, but hate those little mosquitoes. I can’t remember how many nights I have gotten up, turned on a light and searched for that single mosquito that was making my sleep miserable. …

Never Any Lack

At some point in our lives, we all come to know a sense of lack. Some people grew up in homes where there was never enough food or money to go around. The sense of lack was significant. For others there was a lack of love or acceptance – no one ever seemed to care …

Watch your attitude

Two psychiatrists worked in the same building. Each morning they rode the same elevator, one getting off on the 5th floor and the other getting off at the 9th. Every morning just as the first psychiatrist was about to get off the elevator, he would turn and spit in the face of the second psychiatrist. …

Three sure things to wreck your faith

Large companies and small businesses alike, spend significant amounts of money to protect their assets. Not only do companies need physical security but increasing money is spent on digital security. When you have something valuable, you need to protect it from danger. Our faith, as Christians, is precious and to be treasured. We are encouraged …