3 Ways To Stop Grumbling

The Bible is clear that we should be careful about the people we associate with. Conversations can quickly turn into gripe sessions if we are with the wrong people.

May The Words Of My Mouth

The promise of the internet age was that it would bring individuals together and promote understanding. Sadly, it seems to bring division, confusion, and plenty of misunderstanding.

That Ugly Sneer

Some the most difficult situations I have gotten myself into have been as a result of my judging someone’s motives or intentions too quickly.

Happy Christmas!

This is the encouraging message of Christmas: that God himself has come to earth, eternity has stepped into time – and nothing has been the same since.

Mary Christmas

They get a ridiculous number of prank phone calls. People will call to ask if they are missing any reindeer.


Are you ever really prepared for what’s coming? When we moved overseas 13 years ago, we thought we were prepared.