There Will Be A Time

We are in a season – a time – we don’t understand. It will be many more days, perhaps months or years, before we come to understand the purpose of this season we are in.

Responding To Wisdom

There is a refrain that I have heard, in person and online, that Christians who are true believers shouldn’t be responding to the coronavirus with fear.

Uncertain Times

As we walk through this current time in Basel, we don’t face anything like the Black Plague. Yet, there are still voices that would seek to unsettle the masses and stir up people. We should be more enlightened.

Who Fights Your Battles?

It turns out the Philistines controlled the latest technology at the time: the ability to make and sharpen iron. The Israelites were still in the Bronze Age while their enemy had moved from analogue to digital.

Snow Day

A day of rest is what the Sabbath was meant to be. No plans, no agenda, no catching up on work or no having to run out for a few things – just a day at home.