Even when you are on mute

I have encouraged our congregation to read through the Psalms during January and February this year. We are almost done. If you have been tracking along, congratulations. I know it’s been a lot of reading, but I believe God’s word strengthens and supports us in ways we do not always see at the time.   …

A Light To My Path

For most people, whether driving a car or navigating through life, we like to see where we are going. It is helpful to see the road clearly and to be able to anticipate what lies ahead. When we know what is coming next, we can adjust our speed. When we can see the road conditions, …

Reading For Understanding

Reading through the Psalms can present a number of challenges. First, there is the cultural distance between our day and a millennium before the birth of Christ.  While human emotions and desires have not changed, many of the references and illustrations in the Psalms don’t naturally resonate with us. Second, is the form of poetry. …

How Long Will You Let It Go On?

My friend, Peter, works among refugees and asylum seekers in Paris. The City of Light can be a very dark place if you find yourself in need. Despite the public impression, most refugees do not flee their homes by choice. War, famine, economic failure, and government corruption push people to take desperate measures for their …

Words As Weapons

The movie, Darkest Hour, tells the story of Winston Churchill’s early days as Prime Minister of the UK during World War 2. It seems clear today that Churchill was the right leader for the job but in May 1940 he had little support, especially from his own party. There was great pressure in his war …

God is Our Refuge

2020 was a rough year and 2021 has some challenges ahead. The coronavirus continues to rage, political polarization is dividing people, the economy is fragile, people are tired and frustrated. It’s a bad combination of events. So the beginning of Psalm 46 is one we all need to hear: God is our refuge and strength, …

The Little Black Dot

One day, a teacher announced to her class there would be a surprise test.  She handed out a sheet of paper face down to each student. The teacher said, “When you turn the paper over, I want you to write about what you see.” When the students turned the paper over there was just a …

Staying Strong with Good Mental Health

One of my concerns, as a pastor, during this time of coronavirus is how people are staying mentally healthy. Even during the best of times, there are plenty of stresses in life but this year has brought extra concerns. There is increased pressure on our work/life balance, more isolation from friends, and now the days …

Supporting Missions

I remember the first time I met a missionary. I was about six or seven years old and she had returned from four years in Kenya. During the morning service she invited all the children to the front of the church and gave us each a small 45 rpm record.  (This was advanced technology at …