3 Reminders for Back to Work or School
For most of us, the summer vacation is over or at least coming to a close. September is often the beginning of a new season or new yearly cycle. Most of us find ourselves going back to work or back to school. As we do, here are 3 things to keep in mind.
- We are a blessed people. If the world was a village with 100 people, then 53 of those people would be living on less than $2 (US dollars) a day. 16 people would have access to the internet and 18 people would be illiterate. Sometimes we think of work or school as a grind, but in reality, it is a great privilege to be able to get up each day and work or learn.
- People around us need encouragement. Being part of a community of faith means that I’ve had a lot of people encourage and support me over the years. When a crisis hits, I have many places to turn. This isn’t the case for some folks who will be sitting beside you over the next few months. Be willing to be vulnerable and open to others. Share a bit of life with them. They might just need to hear about the hope that is within you.
- You aren’t going in alone. Over the summer I read a couple of quick fiction books. You know the kind where the action hero is all alone and has to prevent the world from being destroyed. (Don’t judge me.) Those stories are obviously fiction. Yet many people feel like they are the action hero who is all alone and battling against the world. You aren’t alone. The year ahead may be challenging but you aren’t going in alone.
Whatever you are facing in the next weeks or months ahead, this promise of God has often been repeated in Scripture to his people: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Dt. 31:8)