For the last three years, there has been a constant stream of construction in front of the building where our church meets. I thought the work was all to be finished in June of 2022, but apparently that only related to the tram lines. The tram lines are running again. There’s now a great new tram stop close to the building, but the rest of the street is still a mess. Lately, the endless sound of jack hammers makes me think they are doing more destruction out there than repairs.
On a positive note, one of the strengths I see in Switzerland is that they really do invest in their infrastructure. Roads, water systems, electrical grid as well as trains and trams are all well maintained. It keeps things running on time. There is less time lost to accidents or breakdowns. Having lived in a couple of countries that weren’t so keen on maintaining infrastructure, I do appreciate the Swiss way of thinking. Even if it seems to take way too long.
There is a need for maintaining infrastructure in our private lives as well. Individuals have different approaches to maintaining good systems in life. Some people work hard, play hard and then break down because there was no plan for maintaining their health – either mental or physical. Others have an overly strict daily routine that keeps them healthy, but with little time to enjoy the rest of life. Most of us are somewhere in the middle.
There is also work to do for our inner life. Some days we need to hang out a sign that says, “Temporarily closed for spiritual maintenance.” That’s a time when we stop other things and just spend some time with God. We read his Word and meditate on it without rushing to the next thing. We invite the Spirit to point out any areas that need work. Asking God to fill us fresh with passion and zeal for life.
We don’t have to be ‘closed’ for long but every so often we need more time than just a quick devotional. We can work it into our schedule, or we can wait until something breaks down. The invitation Jesus gave to his disciples is also extended to us, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31)
Don’t wait too long before spending some time on spiritual maintenance!