If you are traveling by plane this summer, you will no doubt spot the individual who packs way too much stuff. You usually spot them first in the departure area with a carry-on plus several additional bags, jackets, electronics and what have you. How do they even get through check-in with so much? It’s not just the number of items, but they can’t seem to organize them in any simple manner. Once on the plane, it’s a comedy as they try to stuff their many possessions in the overhead bin or under a seat. Shortly after take-off, they are the first to stand up and start searching for something packed away at the bottom of their gear. Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be at least one traveler on every flight that just has too much.
We laugh and shake our head at such behavior, but truthfully, we are guilty of doing the same thing. Many of us over-stuff our life with too many activities. Perhaps we overestimate how much we can get done in a day, or we don’t keep track of the commitments we made. Maybe we really do believe that we are good at multitasking. For some, it’s the fear of missing out which causes them to say ‘yes’ to every invitation.
As one person has said about spiritual growth, “We live in an age with too much information and not enough transformation. Real growth takes time and space.” As Martha rushed about, concerned with many things, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. For those few moments, she gave attention to what was most important. Martha complained and Jesus answered, “You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41)
It’s a good reminder that this summer, we don’t need to do everything – rather, it’s a good time to travel light.