We’ve just finished celebrating a highlight of the Christian year: Easter weekend. We took time to remember the work that Jesus did to liberate us from sin and death. His resurrection was celebrated as the pivotal point of history. Our lives have forever been transformed because of what Jesus did on our behalf. The relationship with our creator has been restored and life has new meaning and purpose.
Such an important event can’t simply be forgotten. We shouldn’t celebrate and then go back to work as if nothing has happened. This good news was never intended to be kept quiet. As people whose lives have been changed, we are now carriers of the message that others need to hear.
The prophet Isaiah wrote:
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)
The arrival of good news is always welcome. It really doesn’t matter how beautiful our feet are because people are always happy to hear good news. This now is our calling. We are to be messengers of the good news: death has been defeated, the Kingdom of God is breaking in, and we no longer need to live in fear or in bondage to sin. Life on earth is full of meaning. Our God reigns.
Good news is meant to be shared. We can’t celebrate the good news of Easter without turning around and sharing it with others. How can you share the good news with others today?