A few years ago I had the opportunity to go spelunking in the Rocky Mountains. Spelunking is also known as caving, basically crawling and climbing through damp and dark caves. It was a good experience although at time the space was very small and you had to remind yourself not to panic.
We were outfitted with equipment to enable us to make our way through the various crevasses and climb over different outcroppings. The most helpful thing was the light on our helmet since the main thing I learned about caves is that they are pitch black.
Our group made its way to a large open cave deep under the earth. We turned off all our lights and sat quietly in the all-encompassing darkness. I thought that after a few minutes our eyes would adjust but they didn’t. There was no light at all. You couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face. Then, one by one, we each lit a candle and soon there was a warm glow inside that deep cave. It was a highly memorable experience.
Scripture reminds us that we live in a dark world. We only need to watch the evening news to be reminded about the numerous ways in which our world has fallen from God’s plan. Some days we might wonder, “How is it possible for us to make a difference?”
Paul writes: “Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:14-15)
We should never forget that our calling is to live simply and honestly before God so that we might be light to those in the darkness. Our presence makes a difference and helps other people see that there is an alternative to the darkness that surrounds us.
So let your light shine. It might be the only bright spot some people see today.